Django AJAX/JQuery tutorial: AJAX Django TODO app with JQuery | Django Tutorial
This Django AJAX/JQuery tutorial for beginners uses a very simple TODO app as an example. We’ll build this AJAX Django TODO app with JQuery library. This tutorial is about how to submit HTML form with AJAX request and send data to a Django app.
This video is mostly about AJAX and JQuery part rather than Django 3. We can say that this Django Tutorial also is a JQuery tutorial for Python and Django developers.
The main idea of this fully CRUD Python Django project is to get data from HTML form, and then perform an AJAX GET request to Django, save the data to a database and return the result to JQuery again.
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The Django explanations are available in the “Django 3 Tutorial: Blog Engine“ series.
In this video:
- using of JQuery with Django,
- How to use custom JavaScript with Django,
- How to make an AJAX request to the Django app,
- How to submit HTML form and make an AJAX request
- How to serialize Django Models to a JSON-serializable object,
- How to pass into the Django view a CSRF_TOKEN,
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🔹Django 3 Tutorial: Blog Engine
🔹Kivy Tutorial: Coppa Project
🔹Telegram Bot with Python (CoinMarketCap)
🔹Python Web Scraping
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Django AJAX/JQuery tutorial: AJAX Django TODO app with JQuery | Django Tutorial
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1 view
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