Olympic Saber Fencing vs. HEMA - Different Ways to Cut

When making any comparison between Olympic fencing and historical martial arts we obviously have to keep in mind the differences (competitive sport versus combat simulation, different rules & equipment, etc). There is also some overlap when it comes to footwork, offensive / defensive actions, timing, and so on. In this video I look at a few techniques from sabre fencing and compare them to cutting mechanics in a unarmored dueling scenario informed by medieval and renaissance history. There are many ways to strike with a sword, which typically emphasize either speed / defense or power / offense (or try to find a balance in between). Let’s delve into a few options with their individual pros & cons. The video by Fencer’s Edge that I’m commenting on: Other sources: *** Music *** Intro song: “Illuminate“ by Vindsvept https://vindsv
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