Chinese Cooking 101 - Prepare a “Proper“ Chinese Dinner
A basic Chinese dinner meal usually comes with a meat main dish, a soup, and a vegetable side dish (一荤一素一汤). Then served with white rice. Of course, the standard can change depending on the servings, if it is a big event like a wedding, usually, there will be 12-18 dishes on each table. If you just cook for yourself, you can minimize it to one recipe. Today’s video is an example to show you how to prepare a proper Chinese dinner meal. I will talk about the culture behind it and why we make it this way. Hope you enjoy it!
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3 months ago 00:00:51 1
Chinese dumplings 🥟 the most delicious and juicy dumplings/Китайские пельмени #food #cook #cooking
3 months ago 00:16:15 1
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