Harvesting luffa, boiling cassava, catching worms for vegetables - Thu Hien farm
Hello friends.
Let me introduce to you about cassava. Today my husband will peel cassava and boil it to eat. These cassava roots contain high amounts of starch. In the past, when people in my hometown were still poor, cassava and corn were the main meals for the family to replace rice for humans, and cassava was used to grind flour to feed chickens and pigs. However, in today’s life, when life is full of materials and amenities, only a few households still grow cassava. I only eat it occasionally, it is very delicious.
My family’s luffa is at the end of its season, I will harvest all the young fruits, so I can destroy the luffa trellis to get land to prepare for planting gourds.
My family’s star fruit tree is very fruitful, ready to eat it.
I went down to the vegetable garden to catch worms for kohlrabi and cabbage. Because the tree is young, there are many worms that eat the leaves. Some worms eat full leaves, but the worms are too big. The kohlrabi tubers are also large, and some tubers can be harvested and brought to the market for sale.
My mother sowed new vegetable seeds, and I planted onions and green beans.
I will pick and prune the young leaves growing next to the main stem of the cauliflower plant and stir-fry them with garlic and meat. Because it is the first vegetable of the season, it is very sweet and changes the taste of the dish.
Wishing you a productive and good working day.
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I was born and raised in the Northern mountains. Where there are many hills, mountainous fruits, fresh air, peaceful and poetic.
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