Stronger Together: INKAS® Armored Successfully Delivers MRAPs to Haiti National Police (PNH)

In the heart of a nation grappling with a dire situation, INKAS® Armored did its best to honor the trust. Alongside the Royal Canadian Air Force and the United States Air Force, we joined hands to make a difference. Our mission? Not only to build and deliver high-quality armored vehicles to the Haiti National Police but also to provide the necessary training to operate these vehicles. This, in turn, will empower the HNP in their combat against organized crime. Watch as we bridge the gap between despair and hope, providing support to those on the front lines, and working to save lives and minimize casualties. Each vehicle delivered represents strength, resilience, and a vital defense for Haiti’s most vulnerable. Witness the journey of these armored vehicles, transported and ready to serve upon arrival in Haiti. Our commitment ensures that these vehicles reach their destination promptly because, in Haiti, time is of the essence. We will stay dedicated to assisting local authorities in preventing casu
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