PAUL CEZANNE: Life, Works & Painting Style | Great Artists simply Explained in 3 minutes!

Paul Cézanne was a French painter of the 19th century and is one of the pioneers of Classical Modernism and a forerunner of Cubism and Expressionism. His work can be attributed to different styles, such as Impressionism, Romanticism and Realism. He was born in 1839 in Aix-en-Provence in France and spent most of his life in Provence, where he also created most of his famous works. His art was not always successful during his lifetime, and he struggled with little recognition, depression, and financial difficulties. He was married to Marie-Hortense and had a premarital son with her. In 1906, he died of pneumonia at the age of 67. His art is characterized by its innovative approach to form and color. He was known for not just copying nature, but interpreting it in a whole new way. His paintings are often characterized by intense colors and clear geometric shapes integrated into a harmonious overall composition. He also experimented with the representation of space and perspective. In doing so, he often distorted the spatial relationships between the various elements in a painting to create a sense of depth and volume. Cézanne used a variety of painting techniques to emphasize texture and surface. He often worked in layers, using a mixture of thick and thin applications of paint to increase the complexity and depth of his paintings. He also made the brushstrokes visible to create a rough and tactile effect. Furthermore, he created numerous still lifes, portraits, and landscapes that show his innovative approach to painting. It is estimated that Cézanne created over 900 paintings during his lifetime, including many famous works such as the series “The Card Players“. In the first half of the 1890s, he created five different versions of the motif. Other famous works include “The Great Bathers“ and also the mountain landscape of Sainte-Victoire, which he depicted in about thirty paintings and watercolors.
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