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This video documents the paranormal activity that has been going on in the bathroom of my late grandfather BONE CHILLING REAL GHOST FOOTAGE CAUGHT ON TAPE GHOSTS POLTERGIEST HAUNTED HOUSE PARANORMAL GHOST STRANGE CREATURE SCARY HUMANOID WEIRD FREAKY UFO MYTH SHOCKING VIDEO Add me on Facebook: SHOCKING VIDEO OF A GHOST CAPTURED ON CAMERA . loads of orbs and a definate sense of evilness present AMAZING! This footage will prove once and for all GHOSTS EXIST! Take that skeptics! I bet you have nothing to say now!!! HA HA HA! PWNAGE! I GOT A GHOST IN HD! THIS IS AMAZING! This video documents the paranormal activity that has been going on in the new house. I am going to try and document all the activity that happens DO NOT WATCH IF EASILY SCARED Poltergeist activity, creepy and scary voices and sounds, apparitions of ghosts and spirits caught on would live in a (haunted) house
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