Rose Funeral - . [Album 2007] + Lyrics

CD, Marzo 2007 - Siege Of Amida Records 1. 2. God’s Hideous Creation 3. Sledge Hammer Face Lift 4. The Well 5. Intereo Diu 6. Dawning the Resurrection 7. State of Decay 8. Eternal Regret 9. Under a Godless Sky 10. Buried Amongst the Flames Lyrics 1. CRUCIFY. KILL. ROT Crucify. Kill. Rot (x10) 2. GOD’S HIDEOUS CREATION We will see the fall of mankind No one can ever save us Death to all the sinners And the good will be set free Blood runs trhough the streets People screaming to him why The stench of dead bodies Fill the air Walking through these corspes Maggots render their... flesh The only way to live Is to kill And make them suffer Each breath I have no remorse For the human race Soon it will be over Your life belongs to no one Corses fill the street As you are begging for forgivness God’s hideoues creation
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