Rosegarden Funeral Party - “First to Cry“ (Official Music Video)

Released July 26, 2024 Video by Erin Devany of All Hallows Productions Music/lyrics : Leah Lane Guitar : Leah Lane Synth : Leah Lane Vocals : Leah Lane Piano : Leah Lane Drums : Dean Adams Percussion : Dean Adams Bass : Scott White Flugelhorn : Miles Belvin Recording : Michael Briggs at Civil Audio Mixing : Michael Briggs at Civil Audio Mastering : Michael Briggs at Civil Audio Production : Michael Briggs/Leah Lane LYRICS: Last night I almost drove home to you, But I don’t know where you’ve moved to. We were always here and then we weren’t, Am I the only one that’s still hurt? I go out every night. I’m no saint, I do this all the time. I lose a little on every try. I don’t know, I thought you’d be easier to find. Someone asked me if I was “visiting ghosts Or visiting friends?” I’m not really sure, I just don’t want the feeling to end. Someone said something that made me Bring you up again. I just keep coming
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