Извержение гейзера Улей, Йеллоустоунский национальный парк
Here’s a little extra bonus footage from an eruption at Beehive Geyser in Yellowstone National Park. It’s not exactly sleep- or concentration-soothing like the other ones in our series, but we still wanted to share it with you. Depending on where you stand, you will get completely drenched, just as we did in this video (you can hear the microphone muffling from the silica water). For that reason and others, Beehive eruptions are very exciting to experience (as you can tell).
This particular eruption of Beehive took place on Sept 7, 2023.
Watch the other Sounds of Yellowstone videos in this podcast series, put them on loop, and relax to geysers, frying pans, and more!
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