Храмы Житомирщины-Костёл св.Антония Падуанского(Temples of Ukraine-church of Sts. Anthony of Padua)

4К Ultra HD-Video On the old Russian town of the old boiler house , which is located in the Zhytomyr region, can be found through the Church of St. Anthony of Padua. The church was built by Anthony Prushinsky in the 18th century, after the famous preacher - Franciscan Anthony, which involved non-believers in the Christian faith, was an advocate of wandering and disasters, as well as the patron saint of family relations. Church of St. Anthony built in the style of the late European Baroque. He impresses with its architectural perfection. Its facade is decorated with Ionic columns. Nearby are the remains of a temple bell tower and stone wall. To date, the church is a Roman Catholic church. Костел Антонія Падуанського (Стара Котельня) — сакральна споруда кінця XVIII століття в стилі бароко, вибудований з червоної цегли, потинькований. Кінець будівництва — 1786 року. Належить до типу тринавних, чотиристовпних базилік з гранчатим пресбитерієм и прямокутними сакристіями.
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