Make Daedric Bow from leafspring and plywood | Make skyrim ’s Daedric Bow from Playwood & leafspring
DIY: Make Daedric bow from Plywood | Daedric bow vs coke | Make Daedric bow from Skyrim
I have some leftover plywood from previous house construction, and decided to recycle it by turning it into the coolest plywood Daedric bow from Elder scroll Skyrim. Plywood are not known for being suitable for bow construction esp the limbs, since the way they are built make them no ideal from bow making, but I managed to turn it into a bow with adding strips of leafspring on both limbs . After building the Daedric bow of Skyrim from plywood, i had fun testing it by shooting some cool targets such as coconut, and esp. coke.
DIY : fabriquez un arc Daedric à partir de contreplaqué | Arc daedrique contre coke | Faire un arc Daedric de Skyrim
J’ai des restes de contreplaqué de la construction d’une maison précédente et j’ai décidé de le recycler en le transformant en l’arc daedrique en contreplaqué le plus cool de Elder Scroll Skyrim. Le contreplaqu&