DIY Tib Bar for KneesOverToesGuy! #shorts

#EnkiriEliteFitness #KneesOverToesGuy In order to further my athletic goals I’ve been wanting to give the tibialis raise a try after seeing it introduced in KneesOverToesGuy’s videos, but the Tib Bar he uses is a little bit pricey. So I decided to put together a DIY version so I could have the best of both worlds! This DIY Tib Bar can be put together in about 5 minutes and uses parts that can be purchased at any hardware store for just about $20! Everything you need to make a DIY Tib Bar: 3/4 x 8“ Pipe 3/4“ Tee 3/4“ x 4“ Pipe (Need 2 of these!) 3/4“ Cap
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