VonGarland Castle Overview Trailer - coming to Steam & Steam Deck Dec 4th
VonGarland Castle : Sacrilege of the Night wishlist and follow on #steam #steamdeck
is a love letter to 2D side scrolling action platformer classics like #castlevania I through III, #supermetroid & #MegaManX.
Take control of the Family VonGarland in their quest to slay the patriarchy, Baron VonGarland
& break the family’s terrible curse.
*Hordes or victorious foes
*6 main levels to explore
*Deadly bosses
*power-ups to collect
The family is cursed! 240 years ago our ancestor Lord Baron VonGarland promised the terrible vampire Gulacard untold riches & sanctuary within his castle walls if he would give Baron immortality. Baron then turned his first son, Buggie VonGarland into a vampire. his 2nd born Vanden VonGarland, whom he thought to be weak & undeserving he left a mortal human. tho this did not upset Vanden, for he rightly saw vampires for what they are, hideous abominations of nature! and so the bloodline was split into two, half Vampire, half those who would hunt them. & until we’ve driven a stake through Barron’s vile black heart our family lineage will be forever stained in evil!
#steamgame #castlevaniasymphonyofthenight #castlevania2
#vampire #monsters #metroidvania #metroidvaniagames
Thanks for watching and reading! please like/subscribe and share!
Monster Robot Studios
Games for Humans
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VonGarland Castle Overview Trailer - coming to Steam & Steam Deck Dec 4th