小班外師教德文:extra german: Das Zimmer der Mädchen (10/13) - 比恩

比恩語文-法、西、德、英語專業小班課程推薦西班牙語影片。這集對動物超級有愛心的Ana走上街頭,為動物抗爭去了!!! 對德文課程­有興趣,可點選 了解 更多訊息。 或是: Extr@ was an educational TV series that ran from 2002 to 2004. There were four versions: English, French, German and Spanish. The latter was co-produced by RAI CPTO (Production Centre of Turin) for Rai Educational. The English version has 30 episodes, and the other three languages have 13 episodes each. Hector/Sam, with
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