Watch Pascal and his fellows of TAHITI SKYDIVE CLUB in a fun jump and enjoy the beautiful landscape of Moorea from the sky in 360° - Virtual Reality
Un petit tour avec Pascal et ses potes du TAHITI PARA CLUB pendant un saut au dessus de Moorea et admirez Moorea vue du ciel en 360° - Réalité virtuelle
On a Mac/PC/Chromebook – You will need the latest version of the Google Chrome web browser to view the 360° video correctly. To move the camera, either click and drag using your mouse,
4 months ago 00:02:03 1
Hura Tahiti Overall Round - Melanie Amen
5 months ago 00:13:37 1
Hura Tahiti 2016 - Nonosina Tamarii Otea
4 years ago 00:02:19 1
Get Barreled in Tahiti with C.J. Hobgood & Samsung Gear VR 360
5 years ago 00:03:26 1
GoPro VR: Tahiti Surf with Anthony Walsh and Matahi Drollet