Pochod SNB - March of the SNB (Czechoslovak military song)
The Sbor národní bezpečnosti, known as the SNB, or National Security Corps, was the national police in Czechoslovakia from 1945 to 1991. The SNB consisted of two separate organizations - the Veřejná bezpečnost (VB; Public Security), and the Státní bezpečnost (StB) (State Security).
The translation of the lyrics was provided by my good friend AgtfCZ. Be sure to check out his channel:
Marchers Discord:
My jsme hoši od útvaru, milujeme svoji vlast,
dovedeme na Slovensku své životy za ni klást.
Chceme bránit svoji zem, každý z nás je připraven,
s písničkou do boje jdeme, nikdo není unaven.
Krásná, krásná je naše rodná zem,
v našich řadách síla aby stále byla, boj vyhrajem!
Vedem život po vojensku daleko od domova,
putujeme po Slovensku, domovem je příroda.
Každý z nás je z ocele, do boje jdeme směle,
že jsme hoši od útvaru, zpíváme si vesele.
Krásná, krásná je naše rodná zem,
v našich řadách síla aby stále byla, boj vyhrajem!
We are the guys from formation, we love our motherland,
We will bring and lay down our lives for it in Slovakia.
We want to defend our land, each of us is ready,
With song we are going into battle, nobody is tired.
Beautiful, beautiful is our native land,
May the force still be in our lines, we will win!
We are living our lives far from our home,
We are walking through Slovakia, our home is nature.
Each of us is made of steel, we are going firmly into battle,
That we are guys from formation we are singing happily.
Beautiful, beautiful is our native land,
May the force still be in our lines, we will win!
12 months ago 00:03:43 9
Pochod SNB - March of the SNB (Czechoslovak military song)