Amazing interspecies FRiENDS: Cat, rabbit, guinea pig and dog pit bull SHARKY.

Please visit: My mother said “You have The Garden of Eden there! “ LOL. Pit bull Sharky with bunny VS roomba cat Max-Arthur with guinea pig. They are a funny little group! ... but Sharky just loves everyone... Guinea Pig Penélope in other videos: Guinea Pig LOVES Pit Bull Sharky. Guinea Pig Penélope on the Piano - American Animal Idol 2010!!! Pit Bull Sharky’s Play Date with Guinea Pig Penélope. Happy Holidays from Pit Bull Sharky, Guinea Pig Penélope and Helen ’To use this video in a commercial player, advertising or in broadcasts, please email Viral Spiral (contact@)’ EMAIL: pitbullsharky (at) Let’s Be Friends!!!
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