White-faced capuchin (Cebus capucinus imitator) stone tool use in Coiba National Park, Panama

Higher Quality Supplemental Video from the paper “Habitual stone-tool aided extractive foraging in white-faced capuchins, Cebus capucinus.“ Currently up on BioRxiV as a preprint and in peer review. Preprint available here: This is on an uninhabited island 55 km from the mainland that is extremely challenging to access by boat or foot. A staggering amount of our plastic trash floats is in ocean, and what washes ashore is a small subset yet its quantity is disheartening. This stream trash was washed ashore in one day during a particularly strong tide. It serves as a reminder that what we thr...ow away does not disappear and we should aim to do better in what we purchase and how we deal with waste.
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