You can download the 3 files below and that will give you the blend file with the ring and pendant already modeled and ready to use as you follow this video as well as the normal map pattern and the text image. You can just use what I am providing or design your own models, normal map and text image.
So let’s make some cool jewelry with a normal map pattern. In this video, I show you how to make a simple normal map in blender and then use it on a ring and on a pendant. The normal map pattern is the same for both models but displays differently because of how we apply it.
I would like to point out that depending on how the models are viewed, you may notice some seams. This is a limitation of the method I’m using but if you move the UV’s around, you can “almost“ get it seamless or you could design the model so that the seams are covered up by geometry. I leave that to you to experiment.
Here are the files to download:
Blend file (please let me know if you have