Aadu Pambe, snake dance

Aadu Pambe: Snake Dance by KalaAwishkar dance school’s senior-most student Raynisha Lal. This is in Taal Adi choreographed by Mrs. Shraddha Joglekar artistic director of KalaAwishkar dance school. This dance is based on depicting the snake, which is a highly revered and respected species in Hindu religion. Here the dancer is praising the almighty snake that resides in the company of God and Goddesses. Sometimes he becomes the Bed on which Lord Vishnu reclines; sometimes he is the snake adorning the neck of Lord Shankar. He also has a special place on the delicate wrists of Goddess Parvati as a bracelet. The dancer will portray all these special abilities of the snake through her graceful movements and expressions. #Bharatnatyam #Addupambe #Snakedance Narrator: Anuprita Oak Raga - Punnagavarali Tala - Adi Composition - Pambatti Siddhar
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