Cardiff, Wales.
GV Start of fight. SV. Crowd watching. SV. Welsh boxer Dai Dower, Empire Flyweight Champion, on the right slips on the canvas rises right away and resumes. LV. German Bantamweight Champion Willibald Koch slips on canvas, he gets up right away. Crowd applauds as they touch gloves and they carry on. CU. Jimmy Wilde watching. SV. Dower carries fight to the German, when the German misses with a left hook which Dower easily evades by ducking, they tie up but break almost right away. LV. Dower continues to force the fight, the German does his best to counter punch on the retreat again. Dower ducks to avoid a left from Koch, they tie up with the crowd disapproving. CU. Referee looking but taking no action. SV. Dower still forcing the pace. Koch retreats to the ropes, Dower follows him and they have a brief slog, they tie up, break and Dower lands of solid blows, mostly about the body. Dower avoids another rush, bell goes for end of round, follow Dower to his corner. CU. Dower looking confident as
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