Kitchen Gadgets (1950)

Kitchen Gadgets, Stanmore, Greater London. M/S Cooker Mrs. Lewis walks into frame, opens oven door puts in pie and closes door. C/U Saucers with device attached to stop water from boiling over side. C/U top of saucepan woman flicks open gadget and steam comes out of series of holes. M/S woman takes saucepan from cooker and pours. C/U pouring. M/S woman takes saucepan of peas from cooker tips into colander and shakes away water. C/U shaking colander. M/S woman puts colander on draining board and walks out of frame. M/S woman takes kettle from cooker and holds up to camera. displaying hollow bottom which allows flame to go almost to top of kettle, then takes it to sink. C/U woman takes lid off kettle, displaying large opening and pours into water. C/U woman. M/S woman pours water from kettle into milk saucepan with funnel in centre to stop milk from boiling over. She then pours milk into part of saucepan. C/U woman pouring. C/U milk boiling in saucepan L/S woman displaying table of gadgets. C/U woman. M/
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