Glasgow, Scotland.
GV. Boxing fight between Peter Keenan and South Africa’s Jake Tuli in progress. SC. Tuli swinging at Keenan who is forced against the ropes. As Keenan retreats from the clinch, Tuli inflicts some punishment with a right swing, which puts Keenan on the canvas. SC. Keenan being counted and he gets up. SV. Keenan swings a left and a right, but Tuli bores in and lands several blows to Keenan’s head. They break. Keenan aims a vicious right but slips and the referee steps in until Keenan gains his feet again. Keenan forces back to the ropes, comes off them swinging, and boxers go into a huddle. SC. Both in a clinch, & CU. CU. Timekeeper ringing bell for end of round. SC. People clapping. SC. Tuli inflicting some punishment with his left to Keenan. Tuli forces Keenan back to ropes, Keenan fights his way off and slips, regains quickly and turns towards Tuli. SC. People watching. SC. Tuli swinging with his left and they exchange blows after working for an opening. Keenan finds an opening and Tul
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