Loggers Take A Busmans Holiday (1956)

Vancouver, Canada. AS. Man climbing up pole with his feet gripping and a belt fixed round the tree and his waist. As he moves, he moves the belt up the tree with his - very fast - and he reaches the ground. SV. Man sawing with hand saw very large log or tree trunk, which is lying on the ground. CU. Saw through the wood. CU. Man sawing. SV. Man sawing and it falls off. A very large piece of wood. SCU. People watching. SCU. Man sawing through very large log with an electric saw. LV. Man sawing, taken from the other end of log. SCU. Man with the electric saw coming to the end of sawing last piece off. It drops off. SV. Man chopping at tree trunk with axe. SV. People watching. SCU. Man with the axe chopping and a tree falls. LV. Two men on a log in the river poking at each other with two long poles. This is a jousting competition. A man falls backwards into the water. SCU. People watching. AS. Man balancing on pole very fast and we pan up with him. CU. Two girls looking up, one clapping with excitement and th
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