Now For A Change Let’s Go Back To - The Saucy Seventies (1931)

“Talking about modes, what about Grannie’s “has beens?“ Panning shot of women dressed in old fashioned outfits - presumably of the 1870s. The women chat to each other and smile at the camera. “Imagine hugging Grandma in these sleeves!“ C/U of a woman wearing a dress with large puffy sleeves. She turns to show off to the camera. “And sitting on a tack, those days, was a mere trifle - when you had a bustle!“ Camera tilts up to show woman in a dress which features a large bustle. A dresser just out of shot plumps up her bustle! The woman with the large sleeves turns and poses, the other women laugh. The women are all middle aged or elderly - not svelte young models. C/U of one of the old fashioned hats. Was an item in Eve’s Film Review issue number 508? This item may have originally be stored in another can (UN3K?) - discovered in 1999. Have created new cans for these “orphan items“ - EP312 and EP313. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ
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