Grand Theft Auto Vice City for the Sega Dreamcast - It’s Finally Happening!

- Follow the developer here - - SKMP A massive thank you to SKMP for all his work on this project, it’s truly incredible what we are seeing and a big thank you for the help in producing this video. - Special thanks to - - SKMP - FrogBull @Frogbull55 Digi Space Productions - on Discord and YouTube - @DigiSpaceProductions - DreamcastFreak NaiSan on Discord - - NaiSan @NaiAdventure - Adam Burrell @IanMicheal - Jaxyn - Esppiral @esppiral - AxelGear89 - Patreon Superstars - Pizza Hotline You can support the channel too at - Donate/Contact - If you’d like to donate or get in touch, then please e-mail me direct at thesegaguru@ - Honorable Mentions - KOS2.0 SDL[DREAMHAL] GLDC]FAST Now using GLDC 3D hardware via OpenGL and 2D video framebuffer PVR DMA FLIP Full KallistiOS and SDL integration UPGRADED blitspeed using moops dreamhal sh4 asm memcpy and memset - Social - Find me on Twitter - Find me on Twitch - Like, Subscribe and Enjoy!
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