Duke: Varsity’s New Chancellor (1953)

Edinburgh, Scotland. GV McEwan Hall, Duke of Edinburgh proceeding to dais, & SV. Prince Philip is accompanied by the Vice Chancellor, Sir Edward Appleton. LV Duke and Vice Chancellor take places on dais. SCU Two varsity men. SV Vice Chancellor invites Duke to don robes (natural sound): “Your Royal . ...university.“ Vice Chancellor helps Duke to disrobe. SV graduates looking on. SV Vice Chancellor assisting Duke to robe. GV assembly. SV Duke taps Alanbroke on head with cap. SV Assembly. LV Dr Alexander Fleming, discoverer of Penicillin, receiving tap on head with cap, then walks to take place on Duke’s left. SCU Back view, Dr. Kurt Hahn walks to dais. SV people clapping. SV Duke rises, touches Hahn as before. Pan with Hahn as he sits. SV Lord Provost Sir James Miller being tapped. Then takes place at Duke’s right. SV Provost sits beside Duke. GV assembly. SV Duke starts speaking (natural sound): “My Lord Provost, ladies and ... Scotish school.“ Applause. (Lav.) (Orig. “G“
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