Mombasa Welcomes The Princess (1956)

Mombasa, Kenya. LV. Princess Margaret with Governor of Kenya Sir Evelyn Baring and Lady Baring (Mary) standing in the garden of Government House looking at the sea. LV. Pan across the water. GV. Princess Margaret, the Governor and Lady Baring walk towards the camera. LV. Government House. GV. Masses of school children waving flags and cheering. SV. Princess Margaret in a Land rover driving towards camera. CV. Placard “Long Live the Princess Margaret“. GV. Princess in the Land rover driving between rows of waving children towards camera. GV. Exterior, Diamond Jubilee Hall where Purdah ceremony takes place - men cannot come. LV. Interior, with the dancers dancing before Princess Margaret. GV. The Princess on the dais, camera tilts down to the dancers. GV. Crowd of women watching. LV. Hall with women watching. SV. Two dancers on the floor. Camera pans to small orchestra. GV. Princess Margaret being garlanded with the gold chain. GV. Crowd outside. CV. Baby’s face resting on mother’s shoulder asleep. CV. Youn
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