Cineviews In Brief No. 59 (1937)

Titles read: “CINEVIEWS IN BRIEF“. Various locations of events. Several shots show a man demonstrating the quickest way of putting out blazing oil, and uses an new invention of an automatic fire extinguisher that operates the jet as soon as the fire breaks out - a rather primitive device of a fuse burning back to the extinguisher which makes a small weight drop to the ground and flicks the extinguisher on. (Location of events unknown.) M/S of a tortoise called Terry being wheeled along a street on a little cart pulled by a woman. (Location of events unknown.) In New York (?), United States of America, we see how animated pictures in lights are created for the billboards on Broadway. Squares are blocked out in black on a piece of paper according to the movements of the figure, then each stage is filmed by a camera. The film is projected over a photoelectric cell-board which controls the flashing bulbs, and the figure, in this case an ostrich, appears to move. Good shots of men winding / checkin
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