Swim At Home (1937)

Full title reads: “Swim at Home“. Location of events unknown (probably Pathe Studios, London). Learn to swim in your own home with a piano stool. M/S of man in swimsuit (swimming instructor, Victor Lawson) teaching a woman (also in swimsuit) the arm movements for breast stroke. They are standing opposite each other in a studio set. The woman lies on her stomach on the piano stool. Victor teaches her how to door leg movements for breast stroke. Various shots of Victor, laying face down on piano stool, demonstrating correct actions for breast stroke. Various shots of woman practising breast stroke on stool. Top shot of woman doing breast stroke in outdoor swimming pool. Various shots of woman lying on floor (in studio) practising back stroke. M/S of Victor and woman standing facing each other. He teaches her the arm movements for the front crawl. M/S of woman balanced on stool, her feet kicking. Victor corrects her movements. M/S of woman watching as Victor dunks his head in a small tank of water
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