Pavlova - A Memory (1931)

Full titles read: “Pavlova - a memory“. (new title) “The Immortal Dancer is no more - those twinkling toes and eloquent hands are stilled for ever - but her memory will never fade - “. London? Various shots from the wings of a theatre, looking out onto the stage where Anna Pavlova is being showered with petals by dancers at the end of a performance. Brief shot of the audience applauding. The performers take their bows and run off-stage. Pavlova is surrounded by admiring gentlemen performers as she walks into the wings. Intertitle reads: “Pavlova in her glory - surrounded by her devotees... this is the Pathetone memory of her artistic soul -“. Off-stage Pavlova sits among her gentlemen on a table beside a Christmas tree. The female dancers kiss her hand, prance about and raise a toast to her. Pavlova leaps backwards onto the table (looks like reverse footage - or wires!) and dances briefly for the others. Jumping down she dances with one of the men; the others join in. This must be taken from an earl
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