ROAD TO MCD 2nd Gen Winning Artist BAE173’s MAX LOG. Let’s watch on-site scenes from MAX LIVE held before MCD stage! MAX LOG is a video content containing ROAD TO MCD winning artist’s on-site scenes from MAX LIVE and M COUNTDOWN special stage. You may watch it through ROAD TO MAX community and winning artist fan community. [BAE173 MAX LOG QUIZ EVENT] Would you like a polaroid pic from BAE173? Guess the answers for BAE173’s MAX LOG quiz! Prize will be given after a random draw! :) : Anyone who has participated at least once and has answered the quiz correctly in MAX LOG quiz for MAX LOG EP 01~03 (Random draw) 2. Prize: 3 winners / BAE173 polaroid signed seed ticket 3. Period: ~ September 14 (Wed) MAX LOG QUIZ Shortcuts
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