Banknotes: German Democratic Republic - From 1948 To 1990
In this video, I will show you banknotes that at different times were or remain money in German Democratic Republic.
There are some very beautiful pieces of art among them.
The mark of the German Democratic Republic, originally the mark of the German Emission Bank, is the monetary unit of the German Democratic Republic. It was an internal non-convertible currency; import and export were banned and punished with a fine.
After World War II, Germany, defeated by the Allies, was divided into four zones of occupation: American, British, French and Soviet. On June 20, 1948, the Deutsche Mark (FRG) was unilaterally introduced in the western zones. As a response, on June 24, 1948, its own currency was established in the Soviet zone. The German mark of the Soviet zone (later the GDR) was renamed the mark of the GDR in 1974 and existed until 1990.
The stamp has been issued since 1948 by the German Bank of Issue and since 1968 by the State Bank of the GDR. The monetary unit had the following official