Is The INFJ Born Or Made INFJ Childhood Trauma

Is The INFJ Born Or Made? INFJ Childhood Trauma .. That’s the ultimate question when it comes to MBTI personality types of any sort. The classic nature vs nurture argument.. how much of the once rarest INFJ personality type is a product of their life circumstances and how many of the INFJ habits are they actually born with? When we look at the shared childhoods of people with the INFJ type, there are usually some INFJ similarities between past circumstances and stereotypical INFJ traits that could hint the possibility of INFJ trauma contributing to their personality characteristics. So.. does an infj traumatic childhood have to do with their level of empathy and independence? #INFJ #INFJpersonalitytype #rarestpersonalitytype RELATED VIDEOS: 👉 10 Weird Things That INFJs Do That People Don’t Realize 👉 INFJ Vs. INFP | The World’s Rarest Personality Types 👉
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