Card NewsⅡ: Heavenly Jerusalem Is Our Mother

1 John 2:25 And this is what he promised us —eternal life. How can we receive eternal life, which God has promised us? #EternalLife #ChurhofGod #GOandCOME #Ahnsahnghong #GodtheMother #Jerusalem [This video is copyrighted by the World Mission Society Church of God. Unauthorized copying and distribution are prohibited.] 〖World Mission Society Church of God〗​ 〖WATV Media Cast〗 ​ 〖United Kingdom〗 ​ 〖US East Coast〗 ​ 〖US LA〗 ​ 〖US New Jersey〗 ​ 〖US New York〗 ​ 〖US San Diego〗 ​ 〖US Washington DC〗 ​ 〖Oceania〗 ​ 〖Philippi
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