October 7, 2023 - The Beatles Festival (Moscow, Russia)
Taken from a performance on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the Beatles’ White Album. Including a piece from “Karma Police“ by Radiohead.
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Oleg Martishin - bass, vocal
Artem Sidenko - guitar, vocal
Sergey Zheludkov - keyboards, vocal
Dmitry Belozubov - drums
Sound engineer: Kirill Shargaev
Audio recording: Anton Romanovsky, Al
...exander Mezhulis
Audio mixing: Artem Sidenko
Video mixing: Sergey Vidmak
Video shooting: Alexey Mzhelsky /
#thebeatles #radiohead #thebeatlestribute #fathermckenzie #sexysadie #karmapolice #okcomputer #whitealbum #russia #moscow
Booking: oleg-mc@Show more