Pripremna utakmica FK Potisje Knićanin - FK Titel 4:2 / Stadion: Bikara - Knićanin, 15. 02. 2023.

0:00 Start & Knićanin & Stadion: / Stadium: Bikara & Pripremna utakmica / Preliminary match & FK Potisje Knićanin - FK Titel 0:10 Pripremna utakmica / Preliminary match & FK Potisje Knićanin - FK Titel 1:00 Pogodak za ekipu FK Potisje / Goal for FC Potisje 1:24 Malobrojna publika na tribinama stadiona u Knićaninu, po prohladnom vremenu / A small crowd in the stands of the stadium in Knićanin, in cool weather 1:45 Pripremna utakmica / Preliminary match & FK Potisje Knićanin - FK Titel 3:32 Malobrojna publika na tribinama stadiona u Knićaninu, po prohladnom vremenu / A small crowd in the stands of the stadium in Knićanin, in cool weather 3:52 Pripremna utakmica / Preliminary match & FK Potisje Knićanin - FK Titel Penal za ekipu FK Potisje 5:08 Malobrojna publika na tribinama stadiona u Knićaninu, po prohladnom vremenu / A small crowd in the stands of the stadium in Knićanin, in coo
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