“Cleopatra Seduces Caesar” - Jeff Beal, HBO Rome / The Armed Guard in Orientalist Art

HBO – ROME Soundtrack (scene “Cleopatra seduces Caesar”). Orientalist paintings of Armed Guards, Palace Guards, Bashi-Bazouks, Warriors, Harem Guards, Sentinels and Arab Chiefs (HD video). Best viewed full screen and in 1080p. Description below. Orientalist painters are predominantly Western artists from 19th century who specialized in Oriental subjects. Some of the best artists of the genre travelled to the Middle East and immersed themselves in its daily life. The subject of the armed guard was particularly popular. Highly detailed, with beautiful architectural elements, rich fabrics, meticulous depiction of weapons and overt sensuality, these paintings live a powerful impression. Majority of them are in private collections and are highly prized. __________________ List of painters:
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