Through the absences registered the density of the things not shown are X-ray image is a portrait of matter, a measurement of substance conveyed as an image
“What happens when one closes the eyes? One does not stop seeing. What one now sees is not related to the eyes.“ (Wittgenstein, Philos. Betr. 103)
X-rays, psychoanalysis and cinema seek to expose, respectively, the depths of the psyche, body, and movements of
life. These three technologies introduce new signifiers of interiority... The capacity to see through the surface of the
object, to penetrate its screen, emerged in 1895 as the unconscious of the Enlightenment.
Akira Mizuta Lippit,Atomic Light (Shadow Optics) (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2005).
“We can only touch on a surface, which is to say the skin or thin peel of a limit ...
But by definition, limit, limit itself, seems deprived of a body. Limit is not to be
touched and does not touch itself, which either never at