Interview with Arlen Aguayo-Stewart. kiss marry kill what choice did she make? Motherland Fort Salem

Hi everyone! We have a surprise for you! We were honored to get the opportunity to talk and interview with the sweetest, kindest, most talented and just beautiful person Arlen Aguayo-Stewart (The same Nicte Batan from Motherland: Fort Salem)! We tried very hard and hope you enjoy it! Turn on this interview! You learn a lot of interesting things about Arlen herself and we also played a game of «kiss, marry, kill» and more :) #SaveMotherlandFortSalem и #SaveFortSalem FOLLOW US ON OUR SOCIALS: Twitter: @dashikja Instagram: @motherlandfortsalemrussia Даша: @dashikja Сирша: @ #MotherlandFortSalem
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