9m88 -〈野獸派 Fauvism〉Official Music Video

🦞在第三張專輯《Sent》 中的 「野獸派 Fauvism」from 9m88’s 3rd album SENT: 🎧 Music Credits: 詞曲 Lyrics and Composition|9m88、YELLOW黃宣 製作人 Producer|YELLOW黃宣、余佳倫 Chia-Lun Yue、9m88 編曲 Arrangement|YELLOW黃宣、余佳倫 Chia-Lun Yue 吉他 Guitar|林庭鈺 Tim Lin、YELLOW黃宣 貝斯 Bass|林庭鈺 Tim Lin 和聲編寫 Vocal Harmony|YELLOW黃宣 錄音與混音師 Recording & Mixing Engineer|蔡周翰 Chou Han Tsay 錄音室與混音錄音室 Recording & Mixing Studio|Lights Up Studio 母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer|Stuart Hawkes 母帶後期處理錄音室 Mastering Studio|Metropolis Studios 歌詞Lyrics: 是誰說 遺忘的瞬間沒有因果 Who was it that said There is no karma at the moment of forgetting 別回頭 沿路的風景沒有家 Don’t look back There is no home in the scenery along the way 往前走 遠方的祭典沒有煙火 Go forward There are no fireworks at the festival far away 別停留 隨著時間崩塌的我 Don’t linger Yours truly that crumbles as time slips away 別躁動 天上的禿鷹發現了我 Stop fidgeting The vultures in the sky have potted me 想掙脫 昨日的身體像詛咒 Tryin’ to escape It’s like a curse, yesterday’s body 安靜的 啃食著我的肉和執著 Quietly Gnawing at my flesh and my determination 在分離之後 開始墜落 穿梭在人群中的我 Yours truly That started falling and shuffling through the crowd after we parted Oh baby, are you ready to die? 怎麼離開的 不明不白 How I left is still a mystery 就算他哄我 笑我 騙我 Even though he coaxes, laughs and lies to me 到最後 還不是置身世外 In the end All is futile when down we lie Oh baby It’s a miracle time 過站的列車往西部開 The train that missed the stop is headed to the West 回憶它 敲打著節拍 臀部跟著搖擺 Memory plays a beat and hips sway along 舞動迷濛的裙擺 Misty skirts twirling rife 時間融化成了野獸派 Time melts into fauvism 誰曾吻遍我胸前丰采 That someone who planted kisses across my bosom 說我是他這生最愛 Saying I was the love of his life 已進站 車廂的光線逐漸昏暗 The train has pulled in The lights in the car gradually dim 別說開 他們之間沒有對白 Don’t talk it through There is no dialogue between the two 一瞬間 謎樣的身影在我面前 In the blink of an eye Before me stands a mystic entity 他說我等的人在後面 Says the one I’m waiting for is behind me in the rear (Beware) 時間是說謊的演員(小心點) Time is an actor that lies spout (Watch out) 時間融化成了野獸派 Time has melted into Fauvism 不管你愛或不愛 Doesn’t matter if you love me or not 算了我不想猜 Forget it I don’t wanna guess 不管你愛或不愛 Doesn’t matter if you love me or not Aaaaaaah! 不管你愛或不愛 Doesn’t matter if you love me or not 心跳漏了一拍 My heart missed a beat 請填補 我的空白 Please fill the blank in me 用狂熱的色彩將我覆蓋 With feverish colors cover me ----------------------------------------------- MV Credits: Director | Nany Kim (NÄN) AD | Hyeji Kim, Kibeom Jang Producer | Park Chanyoung (liminal) PA | Hyonggeun Kang, Yuseok Joung, Wonsung Yoon, Chanhyuk Park DP | Yechan Shin 1st : Woochul Park 2nd : Jaewon Jang 3rd : Gwonwoo Shin DIT : Byunggu Song Gaffer | Junseok Oh 1st : Seunghun Lee 2nd : Jiwoo Hong, Gyuhwan Hwang 3rd : Dongjun Lee, Mingyu Baek, Jungul Lee , Dongjun Lee, Mingyu Baek, Jungul Lee Artist - 9m88 Artist Manager - Mia Min Yen Assistant Manager - Wei Huang Creative Coordinator - Chen Kuan Heng Interpreter - Yun Ting Kuo Actor | Boyfriend 1 : Hosuk Lee Boyfriend 2 : Woojune Jeong Stylist | Sophie Yoon Stylist Assistant | Heewon Kim Hair | Lia Makeup | Yuri Choi Production design | YAWN () Yerin Choi & Chaeyoung Song Art team : Hyejoo Shin, Sehyun Park Colorist | Yechan Shin Clock Animation | Hwangbo Hyunjung
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