[TouhouMMD] Yuugi’s Unexpected Challenger

This took a bit longer than expected, but I am satisfied with how it turned out. I did cut a few corners with regards to the timing of the punch, and having Yuugi do a 180 instead of just side stepping and continuing, but it is fine regardless. One more thing. With using the Sauron model, I noticed that whenever the head moved, some vertices were stuff and would not move the rest of the head no matter what. So I went into PMX editor and fixed this. This is important not only because the Sauron model was practically lost due to the original links being gone, but because this issue was never f...ixed since it was released. The download link down below includes the fixed vertices, along with a proper parent and hip bone for the Models Yuugi - Tamo () Sauron - Montecore (サウロ�%) Stage Former Hell parts from Palace of the Earth Spirits - Sakaban359 () Effects HgSAO PowerDOF Motionblur3 NL_Means ExcellentShadow PostAdultShader Music 地獄でお茶を - Cafe de Touhou 6 The Shadow of the Past - Lord of the Rings OST Software Used MikuMikuDance PMXEditor Audacity Davinci Resolve Handbrake Special Thanks Melchior - For providing the download link for the Sauron model. #touhoummd #mmd #東方mmd
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