SO FAST! | 這玩意配上甲蟲沙錘成長太快了!

Hey guys! Welcome to Discord Group! 歡迎大家加入群聊! Hope you like my videos and subscribe, thanks for your support❤️ ;-) 如果喜歡的話麻煩訂閱一下,您的支持是我最大的動力!~ 【Twitch】: Twitter: Bilibili: BGM: Please use Soundhound, Shazam or NetEase CloudMusic ;-) Music volume is the origin volume Fans replays maybe sometimes low mmr games, nvm and just enjoy them! 粉絲投稿一般是低分局爽片,全程靠賽,博君一笑~ Disconnections are just for fun, never for higher mmr, hope you could permit this ;D Playlist contributors: BGs Mandarin - 矮矮的桔子 BGs General - 大大怪怪怪将军 BGs Qiqi - 小凌漆漆 =ALL BEEN PERMITTED= =以上轉載已被作者授權= 《Hearthstone Battle...grounds》Blizzard Games 《爐石戰記:英雄戰場》 暴雪遊戲 《炉石传说:酒馆战棋》 暴雪游戏
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