Красим ASOIAF. Гвардеец Ланнистеров.

In this video Duncan demonstrates how he goes about painting his Lannister Guardsmen from the game A Song of Ice and Fire by CMON. Join us at for more exclusive painting tutorials. Paints used: Mechanicus Standard Grey Spray Khorne Red Corvus Black Dryad Bark Mephiston Red Greedy Gold (ArmyPainter) Doombull Brown Zandri Dust Agrax Earthshade Gun Metal (Army Painter) Nuln Oil Bugman’s Glow Reikland Fleshshade Cadian Fleshtone Kislev Flesh Wazdakka red Squig Orange Gorthor Brown Evil Sunz Scarlet Liberator Gold Ushabti Bone Skeleton Bone (Army Painter) Shining Silver (Army Painter) #twothincoats #duncanrhodes #SOIAF
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