shamanaphonic joshua tree galactivation vocal jaw harp meditation
DEBUT coming thru!! Jaw Harp Vocal GALACTiVATiON #2 ~ from the roots of Ashlantis to Joshua Tree, we activate our HeART grids presence in the CoSMiC YUM of LOVEolution
Reset your with the sonic caress of psychedelic devotional disco by Shamanatrix Missy Galore
This incantation audio is a simultaneous performance of original Vocals and Jaw Harp
The visuals are of me Galactivating in Joshua Tree
I created this edit and designed my clothes & set design
You can find my Cosmic Prayer Wear ~ GALACTiVATiON Garments designs
All items made to order with HeART LOVE Gratitude!
~ thanks to @Vaidehi Amair for filming
~ thank you creation for being so Beautiful
THANK YOU 4 GALACTiVATiNG goodness with me ❤️💜
We r LOVEolution!!!
_#shamanophonic #jawharp #vocal #joshua tree, #jaw harp, #khommos, #mediation, #galactivation #acapella,#soundhealing
#peace #meditation #activation #incantation #heart #heartmath #resilliance #coherance #harmony #calibration #incanta
4 years ago 00:03:35 7
shamanaphonic joshua tree galactivation vocal jaw harp meditation