Rhema May 24, 2023 ❤️ This Week will be full of Challenges… Offer them for the World
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This Week will be full of Challenges… Offer them for the World
Rhema May 24, 2023
(Jesus) “Beloved, this week will be full of trials. You do not have to invent any penances. Life will offer them to you daily. Receive these from My hand with great affection, and offer them for souls and the state of the world. Contrary to all the positive things that are being said on the truthful channels, you are in a state of war, and things could get out of hand very quickly, which is what the remaining black hats are going to try and do.
“But understand, the alliance of nations that has come up against this nefarious force, has made a noticeably big impact, and what is left of them is disheveled, a disheveled network that still has nuclear options. Prayer has done more than I could write in a thousand books about this situation. Keep praying, and remember, the Scriptures say that when the Restrainer, that is, the Holy Spirit dwelling in every believer, is lifted and removed, then the worst calamities will occur.
“What I am saying to you is that there is a war to end all wars on the horizon, and the enemy is poised for it. You and all the others who are praying, are holding it back. But to continue with what I was saying a moment ago, you will have many opportunities to offer Me gifts of sacrifice, because at this time, I need them. So be prepared for a challenging week, do not allow yourself to resist. That in itself tires you out. Understand that these sacrifices are for My purposes, and receive them from My hand without complaint. This will be a huge gift of intercession for the world.
“Your tension about the Rapture is only wearing you out. Let go of the anxiety, be expectant, but do not allow it to become a pit of anxiety, as you have done in the past. By the way, enjoy your flutes, as I enjoy them. Finish the songs that we have written together, you were correct when you told a sister that this gift was given for relaxation and release from the tensions of the day, and that is only one of the many benefits.
“The wonderful byproducts are beautiful songs that edify and lift up others. You know that My fingers are always at work when you apply yourself to music. And I love doing this with you, so enjoy it, and others will be edified. There are thousands of musicians in this world because I delight in music, but most of all in worship. So do not allow the enemy to put one ounce of guilt on you because you are enjoying making music. It is to My glory that you do so. And if only some of the others in the community would connect with this truth, you would have quite a nice little ensemble. That is kind of a dream I had, to have you all together playing music.
“Beloved ones, I inhabit your praises and your music. It is a sweet-smelling sacrifice when you play, with Me on your heart. The enemy tries to inspire pride when you play well, but you who belong to Me, you will keep it pure by rejecting his suggestions. This will strengthen you in other areas as well, because vanity and pride are the devil’s favorite tools to draw My Bride away from Me. Reject his suggestions, My precious Brides, and we will enjoy a taste of Heaven on Earth together.
“I bless you now, My Beloved ones, with strength for the journey of this week, that you may offer Me all the things that normally irritate you, and I will turn them to graces, to draw all men to Me. Give thanks in all tribulations, for this is My will for you. Meditate much on My Passion this week, keep Me company as we recall My suffering for mankind. Truly, I adore you.”
(Clare) Well, beloved friends, I was not going to share this with you, but it has been 2 days since I wrote this, and I want to tell you...
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