New Polish Printing Press (1950)

Warsaw, Poland. Title in Polish reads ’Dom Slowa Polskiego’ - Home of Polish word. LS. Elevated, exterior, people gathered for opening ceremony of a new giant printing press (2 shots). LS. Elevated, President of Poland Boleslaw Bierut and members of the Government arriving and moving through crowd, people cheering. MS. Towards and pan, President Bierut and members of the Government arriving. Girl hands bouquet to the President. The personalities mount platform. SCU. People clapping. MS. President Bierut clapping and waving from platform. LMS. Gathering applauding. MS. Pan from Prime Minister Cyrankiewicz, speaking over long shot of crowd. MS. Crowd. MS. Cyrankiewicz speaking. SCU. People in crowd. CU. Bearded man in crowd. CU. Man in crowd. CU. Cyrankiewicz speaking - no sound. LS. People applauding (2 shots). MS. President Bierut cutting tape to open new building. MS. Elevated, crowd. LS. Interior, President Bierut and others walking around printing works. MS. Towards, Bierut and others walking around
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