Time To Remember - The Path To Rome 1943 - 1944 - Reel 3 (1943-1944)

Pathe have rights to clips in Time to Remember programmes but not to commentary or whole programme as screened. Reel 3. 01:42:00 Start of Part Two titles. 01:42:07 VS of Allied troops landing and coming ashore in amphibious vehicles at Anzio, Italy. VS of the bombardment of Monte Cassino. VS of large numbers of troops boarding landing craft and ships in Naples harbour. VS of troops coming ashore. MS of American General Mark Clark and other Allied Officers. 01:43:35 VS of German Prisoners of War (POWs). POWs are loaded onto landing craft. VS of the devastated town on the hills of Monte Cassino. More shots British troops fighting. VS of leaflets fired at Cassino Monastery. Bombers fly over and the Monastery is destroyed. 01:45:45 Road sign to Rome. British troops march along road to Rome. VS of American artillery guns firing. Aerial views of bridges blown up by the Germans. VS of Allied vehicles and troops having trouble moving in heavy Italian mud after rains. Shots of towns being flooded. Fl
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