Taunton Pageant (1920-1929)

Taunton pageant. Somerset. Historical pageant enacted on the grounds of a castle near Taunton This is quite an extravaganza; a true epic of a pageant; whose theme seems to be something in early British history. Opens w/ a group of monks or priests carrying long carved antique bed across lawn; a man w/ crown reclines on it. Looks like a funeral/burial procession. But then King sits up; speaks. Next a battle scene: soldiers wearing tunics fighting w/ swords & shields in the park. Groups of boys run past wielding spears. Scene w/ 2 people by a small campfire. Procession w/ soldiers & r...oyalty stops at gateway; and group of priests; altar boys come out. Someone carries flag w/ St. George’s Cross (?). Closer shot of a procession: monks; wild-looking warrior chieftains including Viking types; standards w/ dragon & eagle shapes. Crowd of peasants or villagers. 2 wagons drive up. In front of crowd; woman w/ tambourine runs up to King; drops curtsy all the way down to the ground. King speaks; she dances off.
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